Jul 13, 2011

10 Tips for Making Life Easier and More Efficient While On The Go

Socialmoms and Seattle's Best wanted me to post on 10 things that make my life easier and more efficient while on the go. While I don't have little tikes to tote around, I still get pretty busy at times and when I have to leave home at an early time, I make sure I grab a Seattle's Best Iced Latte!

My husband and I set up our dr's appointments for early morning and if we are grocery shopping, we try to get out early to beat the heat.  On July 1st my husband had an MRI appointment for 7:30 am, no time for coffee, so I grabbed a can of Seattle's Best Mocha Iced Latte (reviewed here) to drink on the way.   I'm actually addicted to these! They are low in calories and very affordable!

Ok getting back on the subject

Here are my 10 tips on making life a bit easier.

1. Start early!  As I stated above, we like an early start to our day to get everything done, then we don't have to feel like our day is wasted waiting.

2.  Use a day planner or calendar.  I have a day planner in my purse to keep track of appointments we have and if anyone wants us to do something, I can have a quick look and see if we can or can't do it.  It's so much easier to have it with me then at home on the desk.

3.Make a list of things you need to do during the week or month.  I spread out my housecleaning.  I know most people just want to get it done, but I do one - two rooms at a time.  I only have 4 rooms to clean, so no biggie to spread it into two days!   This could also fall into the category of using the day planner.

4. Have a Cell/Smart Phone.  I don't have a smart phone, just a cell, but my daughter has a smart phone and she has all kinds of apps on it.  She showed me all the fantastic coupon apps she has and I absolutely LOVE them!  Can't wait for September, my contract is up and I'm getting a smart phone!

5.  Shop Online!  If you can't find it in a brick and mortar store, check online!  I find some fantastic deals online that I would not find anywhere else!  I just got a $40 all glass scale for $20 from Walmart.com regularly $40!  Awesome deal!  I've received quite a few things that were of $0 cost with the deal sites they have now.

6. Don't try to do it all in one day!  My husband has 3 days off and we plan what we are doing when we are doing it spread out for 3 days as to not to over exert ourselves. 

7. Keep a reusable tote in your purse or car.  You never know when you may need a tote bag.  I needed one the other day and I had one nice and handy in my purse. lol  I have one that folds into a pocket and small enough to put in my purse.  Nice for toting anything in

8.  Keep your pantry, fridge and freezer stocked!  You never know when you may have unexpected guests and when you get hungry, you need to feed them as well. lol  We had that situation already.  My daughter and her husband popped in and they stayed quite awhile!  We ended up with Pizza for delivery instead of what we were going to have because it wasn't enough for 4!

9. Cook extras!  When we grill, my husband always cooks more than enough so that we will have left overs.  This is so easy during the week when neither of us want to cook. lol

10. Always count your blessings!  I always thank GOD for my family, awesome friends and the wonderful things I can do online!  I have a best friend who lives in Alabama.  We've never met, but we became best friends just by talking online and on the phone.  She helped me during a really bad time in my life when I had to have surgery in January 2011 and I ♥ her!

About Seattle’s Best Coffee
As coffee blenders and roasters since 1970, we’ve seen a lot come and go. We went from a tiny shop on the Seattle waterfront to being declared Seattle’s Best Coffee in a local competition. In 2003, we joined the Starbucks family which has allowed us to place more resources into further honing our special way of crafting delicious, impossibly smooth coffee. Every step of the process, from coffee cherry to your cup, is managed to fit our exacting standards and our premium approach to coffee. Now, we’re making it easier to find your perfect coffee with our new Level System.

If you would like to try it out here's a link to a really great coupon for $1.50 off a 4pk of Seattle's Best Iced Lattes.  It’s low calorie: Just 130 calories per can. It’s affordable: A premium latte for just $1.49? And a 4-pack is an even better deal, at just $4.99.
It’s everywhere: Available in major grocery, convenience and other retail stores.

More info on Seattle’s Best Coffee: http://www.seattlesbest.com

Seattle’s Best Coffee on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SeattlesBestCoffee 

Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Seattle’s Best Coffee blogging program for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.


Things Sent My Way on 7/24/2011 5:37 PM said...

Thanks for the tips. I love reading these and I'm loving the official latte!

Unknown on 7/25/2011 2:08 PM said...

I love socialmoms and seattle's best!!
now following you via GFC :)
Came from pitch it to me lower Alexa Rank :) Hope you get a chance to check me out

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