Jul 13, 2011

EdenFantasys and Sensual Romance

*Please Note* This is a sponsored post, I was paid by the company for this review. I don't usually post these types of posts. This is my personal blog, and feel that I should be able to post anything here. With that being said, the following post does contain links to a site that is intended for adult (ages 18+) eyes only! I'm asking if you have any children in the room with you, please do not click on the links.

A few weeks ago I got an email from EdenFantasys and the first thing I thought was "WHAT!" lol I jokingly forwarded the email to my friend and new blogger and she told me she was going to do it. I then thought "OMG!!" LOL Then I was helping her with her out because she wanted to do a G rated post and I knew a few bloggers who had already done their posts in a G rating.

I never thought I'd do a review of this nature, but after reading other blog posts, talking to other bloggers and looking over the site and seeing that it's more than a sex site, I changed my mind. EdenFantasys has an array of options to choose from including sensual products which include lingerie, music, oils, candles and much more. I have added a few pictures to show you

Pink champagne dress

Fragrance: champagne rain I think this would smell awesome!

The collection - oils gift set

Best of Smooth Jazz, Vol.4 For Lovers

After browsing the site, I have found it is easy to navigate, and I am not as uncomfortable as I would be to walk into a store that sells these items, even if it were just to go buy lingerie! If you are like me and don't like stores like this, try shopping online. It is much more comfortable in the privacy of your own home.

Eden Cafe

Disclaimer: I received a gift card for writing this post. However, all opinions are strictly my own.


Things Sent My Way on 7/29/2011 6:15 PM said...

Great review. I love the sound of champagne rain!

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