Woke up this morning to cooler tempatures and freezing with the AC on. lol Hubby loves to have the AC on 69 degrees and well, that was really cold this morning!
It is 1:45 pm Central Time and we are only 76 degrees. WOW!! Could it be that Spring decided to arrive and Summer decided to take a few days off? I hope! Saturday we were up to 88 degrees and that was HOT!!
Had Canadian Bacon pizza for lunch. From Totino's it was really good. That was my first time finding that one. I hope I can find it again. Hubby loves different stuff for lunch, so I surprised him with a pizza :).
Duke our dog has me worried. He is mooping around. I can't figure out if he misses his daddy (hubby) or if it is the dog that has been coming around and barking today. He doesn't want to eat right now, and he has made NO move for the door to go out. I am going to make some seasonless hamburger mixed with rice for him in a bit. The vet a long time ago told me that helps when their tummies are upset. He is 14 years old and I hope it isn't anything else. I am thinking it is possibly the heat.
Still nothing from the Department Of Education. I am going to wait until the end of May and if I still haven't heard from them, I will call. Right now I am praying the no news is that they are closing my account and then I will hear from them.
My day yesterday (Mother's Day).
Woke up at 8 am when my daughter came through the door. After laying in bed for about a half hour, I decided it was coffee time and she decided it was present time :). She can never wait for me to open her gifts. Since she was little I had to open her gifts first. lol She is still that way, very excited. She is a very good daughter and I am very proud of her.
These are the gifts I received from my daughter and her boyfriend. My daughter is a teacher at a daycare, and she did handprints with her kids for mother's day and since I lost everything I had like that (thanks to Hurricane Katrina) she is replacing them as a teacher. :) Such a nice thought! I asked for a day planner so I can write down all the things I do online daily as I am getting a LONG list and I do forget to do some of them.
The saying on the shirt is:
"Mom The Hardest Job You'll Ever LOVE!"
I love this shirt, the saying tells me she understands what I did for her and how I have helped her. We went to eat lunch at Olive Garden and the waiters and waitresses were handing out roses, carnations and another flower. I was lucky to get the rose.
I love roses and my grandmother loved mixed colored roses, so I was happy to get one that reminded me of my grandmother.
After lunch we went to the Esplanade Mall and for desert my daughter treated me to a Pecan Supreme (chewy) cookie from The ALL AMERICAN COOKIE CO. I love those cookies. I also like the Chocolate Supreme cookie too :)
My mom sent me the mother's day card with $20 in it. This is what I bought with it along with some vitamins and a new towel. I really liked the shirt and I needed the bra, vitamins and we need more towels.
All in all I had a nice Mother's day. Hubby cooked bbq chicken and herb and butter rice for dinner, so no cooking for me the entire day yesterday. WOO HOO!! LOL
I hope all the moms had a great day yesterday.
For Further Reading,
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