Mar 16, 2008

College Road Trip Movie & Children Leaving the Nest

Yesterday we went to see College Road Trip. I thought it would be a good funny movie, well, I was right it was funny. The whole movie was about a father (Martin Laurence) who isn't ready for his daughter (Raveyn) to leave home. She wants to go to Georgetown University that is in Washington DC and he wants her to go to North Western which is an hour away from home.

On this road trip, Raveyn stays over night at a soreity house with friends. Martin calls to talk to her and a woman with a deep voice answers and he goes balistic because he thinks she is with BOYS! lol

This movie is a must see for those parents who's kids want to go away to college or for those parents who's babies are ready to move out on thier own. My daughter is 25 and I cried towards the end of the movie... My daughter is moving out in a few months and is talking about marriage with her boyfriend.

Am I ready for her to move out? NO.....she is my baby, but I know I taught her how to take care of herself and I trust her.

So if you are in the same situation, go watch a funny movie about the situation.

Oh yea Donny Osmond was a little funny, but he is not that good an actor. lol

For Further Reading,
Movies, Reviews, womens interest


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