Jun 4, 2011

I Tested Out Simply Stacie’s Google AdSense Tips & Am Getting Paid!

I decided to try out a new approach to having adsense on my blog. I read an article Simply Stacie posted about how she figured out a way to make Google AdSense actually earn money and shared it with all of us who have had no success with it.

I've had adsense installed on both my sites for a while and I've been blogging over 3 yrs now, but I've only received 1 payment in that time, which was in November 2009! When I read her article, I still had a ways to go to reach my $100 for payment, so I figured it couldn't hurt to try it!

I was anxious to see what the end of the month would hold, so I kept a close eye on my earnings from May 23rd when I read the article and did what she said to do, to the end of May. For 8 days I was praying I'd make what I needed for payment and it worked! I'm scheduled for payment by July 1st.

Thank You to those who helped, much appreciated!

Wouldn’t it be nice to make some extra money? Considering my husband is the only one working any additional amount of money would be awesome. Maybe I can finally go to the dentist, help get us get a much needed car, sponsor some giveaways of my own, etc. :)

If you'd like to add adsense to your blog/site and get paid, read Stacie's article, you really can't go wrong with it! I added my RSS ads to the top of the posts.

For Further Reading,
Legit Money Online, Monitize Your Blog


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