Jul 6, 2011

We Are Getting Out of Debt YAY!

In 2008, my husband and I moved into the house we are living in right now. Upon moving in, we had 1 little issue! We had no refrigerator, no washer and dryer and no bed or bedroom set!

Without having good credit, people are forced to go to Rent To Own places when they are in need of furniture. That's what happened to us! We were in debt up to our eyeballs with Rent A Center! Our Washer and Dryer payments are $30 per week, our bedroom set was about $35 per week and our refrigerator was around $40 per week, so that's a total of around $105 per week, or $420 a month we were paying out!

In August 2009, we managed to pay off our Bedroom set and then we paid off our refrigerator around December of 2009. After we paid off our refrigerator, the mgr of Rent A Center called and told us we had a $100 Gift Certificate to use if we wanted it. Aaron's Rents had a sale of their big screen TV's for $99 per month for 2 yrs. My husband and I had discussed getting a big screen TV and I wasn't sure I wanted one, Rent A Center does match ads and with that $100 Gift Certificate, that was a free month to see if I wanted it. So our first payment on our 42" big screen TV was in February 2010 and we are almost finished paying it off!

We are still paying on the Washer/Dryer and I'll be done paying on it by July 15th (3 yrs paying on it), then I am doubling the payments on the TV each week, making it $60 per week and will be finished paying on it in about 8 weeks after I pay off the washer/dryer.

I am so happy to feel that we will finally be out of debt! I'm paying on my laptop at Aarons, but I'll be finished by November if not sooner and that's earlier than the 1 year contract I had to pay (Feb 2012). I won't be getting anything else from RAC or Aarons after I'm done!

My husband wants us to finance a car, as much as I want to, because I know we need a car........I'm considering saying NO! I can't handle any more debt at this current time. I need a breather from bills. lol The only thing that will change my mind is if his boss gives them back their 40 hours and their 5 hours over time! That's almost $200 extra on his check and I can handle that because I haven't had that in 2 yrs, so I won't miss it! lol


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