Jul 5, 2011

A Nice Surprise From My Husband

Designed after Jennifer's Body

My husband was watching HSN and found that Jennifer Lopez has a new perfume out called "Love and Light". He taped it and showed it to me. He knows my daughter is a super Jennifer Lopez fan and I'm not a super fan, just a fan. lol

He found it on again on HSN and I watched it. I heard her say "I don't like an over powering perfume" and I thought out loud "I'd love to get that, but $50 ($58 value) is way too expensive!" I'm a very frugal person and would never really consider that price for any perfume or cologne and my husband knows this. He leans over and tells me "If you want one, buy one for you and get one for T ", that's his nickname for our daughter. He then said "you know you never buy anything like that for yourself and you haven't purchased any perfume in a while".

I then picked up the phone and called the number to order 2 bottles or her new perfume! This perfume won't be in the stores until September 2011 and this size bottle won't ever be in stores, it was a special sexy 2.5oz bottle for $49.95 + shipping (3 flex plan payments of $17) for HSN customers only! I don't wear a lot of perfume and it's hard for me to find perfume I like. I'm praying that the "not an over powering" perfume quote from Jennifer Lopez is correct.

I don't buy off TV and I hardly order online, so if I am doing it, it's something my husband or I really want! I got notice this morning that the bottles have been shipped and UPS should be delivering it in about 7-10 days and I can't wait! lol I love when my husband does stuff like this. Yep I ordered it, but he wanted me too!

My husband was so excited, he had to tell our daughter, but made her guess by turning on the DVR and told her to guess. Her eyes lite up and got a huge smile when she saw Jennifer Lopez Fragrance! lol She gave her dad about a dozen hugs. Just to remind you, she's 28 yrs old not a kid. She is so excited that she'll have the perfume before anyone else and a special bottle very few will have! lol That's a special gift from dad to daughter :)


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