Feb 15, 2010

Doctors and Appointments!

Why is it when you need an apointment to go see the dr there is NEVER anything available!? I just called my dr to make an appointment for my husband, who is also seeing my dr and there are NO appointments available!

I told the girl I needed an appointment for Friday, my husband is having an stomach issue and he won't go to the ER for it! He doesn't like nor trust those dr's, he only trusts his dr and to tell the truth, I don't blame him!

He had an asthma problem just after Christmas! Went to the ER on the 28th of Dec. Waited until Jan 8th to see our dr and he continued to have the same issue with not being able to breathe well! He REFUSED to go back to the ER because they did NOTHING for him! Our dr gave him 5 different meds to take and he was better within 2 days! lol So you see why he won't go to the ER!

I was told we could walk in and see if there are any cancellations and I told the girl that was stupid! lol I'm not going to get there for 9am and stay the day waiting, that's INSANE! My husband would not sit there he'd complain the whole day and be very pissed off at me for doing something so foolish! So I told her I'll just call back on Wednesday and see if there were any cancellations.

I'm praying for someone to cancel today or Wednesday!

Thanks for visiting ,


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