The rules of the game.
Each and every submission has to be approved by the Top Momma powers that be. So make sure that you follow the rules.
Links to personal blogs or sites only. If you have ads or product reviews, that’s cool too.
Your photo is your ticket to success. The only rule is- keep it clean and keep it legal. Nobody wants to see your crack- trust us. Apart from that, anything goes, so be creative. Surprise us!
Yes, you're allowed to touch up your picture digitally, but not too excessively.
If possible, use a square sized picture. Whatever picture you upload will be resized and cropped automatically; don't blame us if no one knows what your picture is.
Only one active link to your blog at a time. You can add a new pic for your site once our old pic gets pushed off the site, no problemo. We always believe in a second chance (or a third or fourth…) But if you cheat, we will know.
No other funny business - or you will be sent to bed without supper!