Aug 19, 2008

My latest win on MyCoolContests!

Logged on the My Cool Contests site this morning to find I was a winner of the scavenger hunt! Woo Hoo! lol
I won the Bright Silvertone Mesh Toggle Bracelet with CrossCharm.

Do you like to win prizes? Do you like surprises?
If you answered yes to those questions, you should join My Cool Contests!

Just check the site everyday to see if you are listed as a winner on any of the Daily cool prizes. Plus, they now have a NEW daily drawing for members of the MCC Yahoo group, and they just started a Daily Treasure Hunt!

They have approx 150 prizes every day, sometimes more.
Prizes / Gifts include:
Cash, jewelry, apparel, T-shirts, hats, electronics, CDs, DVDs, VHS, books, stickers, license plate frames, Christian items, Breast Cancer Awareness items, gift cards, toys, hip hop items, LiveStrong / Lance Armstrong rubber/silicone wristbands and
other products, and much more.

The great thing is you can win UNLIMITED times every day! Another thing I like about MCC is if you don't like the prize you win, you can trade it for another.

Signing up gives you 1 entry and adding your pic gives you a second, so you have 2 entries everyday into the drawing for winning prizes. Referrals get you an extra entry for each referral.

If you decide to join, please tell them Sandra sent you.

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