May 6, 2010

5 Things On My "Honey Do" List That Never Gets Done

Twittermoms and asked what are the 5 things on my honey-do list that never get done.

My Honey-do List is not too hard to do actually.
*Carpets need to be cleaned.
*We use our second room for storage, but everything in it needs to be put in containers and put in the attic so when my mom visits in a few months, she can have the second room to sleep in.
*Kitchen cabinets need to be painted and the Bathroom needs painting
*He's promised to build me storage shelves, and I'm still waiting.
*We need landscaping, but he's so tired I hate to ask him to dig so I can plant a few plants.

With my husband working harder at his job these days (machines breaking down, people not showing up), it's harder for him to have the energy to do things around the house. He does mow the lawn when he needs to, but it is hard for him. We live in a HOT area and he has asthma and high blood pressure, so it's very hard on him.

What's on your "honey-do" list?

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