Ok taking a break from freebie posting because I have the chance to work with Twittermons again! I just love working with them! Anyway they want 10 tips that can make your life easier. So I am going to tell you mine and you can leave a comment on yours if you want to, infact, I encourage you to do so!
Ok here we go:
Everything happens for a reason! If something doesn't work out the way you want or expect, you can believe it's for a reason and you'll find that reason later in time. I'm a firm beliver in this. It's happened way too many times to my family for good and bad, so don't waste time wondering why!
Learn how to say no! I know way too many people who don't say that word (my daughter for one) and it does nothing but cause stress! If you are a mom and don't want your child to have something, just say NO! Job wants you to work late and you have plans, say NO!
Make a list and stick to it! You can make a grocery list, gift list, card list, etc. I make a list for Holiday shopping (who gets what), and grocery shopping. I always stick to it and if I have to substitute, I try to find something in that same price range.
Set A Budget! It's so much easier when you set a budget. I have a budget for my groceries and I have a budget for Christmas shopping. In fact, I started my shopping tonight and paid $1.95 for a $20 gift! Why, I got a $20 credit at an online shop, for signing up, and found a nice gift, used the credit and the balance was $1.95! I find that having a budget makes my life so much easier.
Search for the best deals! There are deal blogs all over the net, including mine! lol Using coupons will definately help you get the best deals on sale items. The point of coupons is to get the rock bottom price on an item, I can't tell you how many things I've gotten for free or close to it (Like I mentioned above, $20 Christmas gift and paid $1.95! ). Requesting freebies, this helps you not have to buy an item. I have about 10 laundry detergent samples so if I run out of my detergent and have to do laundry, I can!
Find good friends! You need someone besides family to lean on and who are great listeners (I have a few that if it weren't for them, I would have yanked my hair out last week!), and don't forget you have to be a good friend to them and when they need someone to listen, do that for them.
Get done early! If you have a favorite show coming on, get dinner done and over with. Wash the dishes or set the dish washer and go sit on the sofa and relax and enjoy your evening with your family!
Learn to Ask For Help! If you need help with something, no one will know it if you don't say you need help! People are not mind readers. lol. I learned this when I was trying my hardest to get something from my cabinet and couldn't, my husband walked right passed me and I had to yell "HELP!". He came back and smartly said, "all you had to do was ask!"
Have fun! It's real easy to get caught up in work or whatever. So you need to remember to take time off on the weekend or your day off and have fun! Pack up the kids and pets, go to the park and enjoy the fun and make memories!
Get caught up on things so you can relax on the weekends. My favorite tip! I love free time on the weekends, so making sure laundry, cleaning, etc are done during the week, gives me the free time on the weekend with my husband!
Buy something for yourself! My daughter makes it a point and so did I when I was working, to buy at least 1 thing for yourself every payday. Doesn't matter if it's a box of chocolates from $ Tree, this is something that I believe in, it's like treating yourself for work well done!
So what do you think about my ten tips on making my life easier? Let me know and please leave a comment with your tip. It's called helping each other.
I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Oral-B blogging contest, making me eligible to get full-sized Oral-B Glide products and a $30 Target gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
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