TwitterMoms and Gap Outlet wanted to hear about my "5 Must-have Fashionable Pieces to Pack for Every Weekend Trip." You can get more info that request here
Well, my husband and I rarely pack to go anywhere, but when we have to pack to leave for a hurricane, these are the 5 must haves for us:
*My hubby has to have either his shorts or budwieser pants to sleep in and I have to have a loose t-shirt and shorts to sleep in.
*Muscle shirts for my husband, tank tops for me
*Jeans, we must pack at least 1 pair of jeans just incase we go to a movie or something.
*At least 2 nice shirts for both of us.
*Because this is during the HOTTEST months, I can't go anywhere without my hair clips and pony tail holders.
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For Further Reading,
Amen on the hair clips! I forgot those in my post. LOL I was all worried about my hair frizzing and brought hair spray instead. Great post!
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