The clip they had was of Jessica eating a bug off a cart in Thiland! That's one of their delicacies. YUCK! She admited she couldn't keep it down. I don't blame her, I would have up-chucked it too!
I've read that Jessica doesn't brush her teeth!
"I don't brush my teeth. No, really! I just use Listerine -- and sometimes I'll use my sweater. I do brush every now and again, but my teeth are extremely powerful. Fine, maybe when I'm 60 I'll be all, "ow!"
-Jessica Simpson to iheartradio "
The ladies on The View didn't bring that subject up! I think that's the grosses thing I've ever heard!!
Jessica says "I can't wait to have kids"
Tuesday Oscar® winner Marissa Tomei will tell us all about her new film "Into the Heart of Italy".
Wednesday Kate Gosselin is back as a co-host. I not a big fan of hers. I wish the ladies would get some one better like maybe Sandra Bullock or even Eva Longoria Parker!
Dr. Drew Pinsky (Celebrity Rehab) will also be a guest on Wednesday's show. I bet they will discuss the recent passing of Corey Haim.
Thursday Joy will look back on some hysterical and zany moments from the past month in her “Month in ReView.” also included on the show are Spring fashions from Macys.
On Friday Olympic Gold Medalist and current Dancing with the Stars contestant Evan Lysacek will be on the show.
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