Sign up for FreePeats! Read all the details here and take advantage of this great resource started by fellow frugal blogger Angie! Be sure to browse around and check out her lists of good deals on baby and kids stuff!
Freepeats Columbia SC & Freepeats Greenville SC are NOW OPEN!
What's Freepeats? Freepeats lets you be green with your old blue and pink! Members pass on gently-used baby, kid and maternity stuff for free to local families who can use it. That means FREE baby stuff like clothes, toys, books, dvds, formula, gear and more near you! We're now open in 41 U.S. cities with more than 15,000 members, and we'll be opening dozens more groups this year.
Freepeats Norfolk/Virginia Beach and Freepeats Memphis TN open February 1. To see where we are now and we're we'll be opening soon, check out this map. Fill out this form and we'll email you when Freepeats comes to your town.
Greenville and Columbia members who sign up by January 31 get free lifetime membership.
Lifetime membership in all Freepeats groups is just $1 through January 31.
Thanks to BeCentsible

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