Oct 17, 2008

Join Cello In A Box for $3.99 till Oct. 24th!

We are crazy about Cello and you will be too once you see what we have for you! We have products that you can make right in your kitchen such as chocolate covered cookies or dipped pretzels....including the directions. Give from the heart, not the pocket book!

Feeling creative? We have products that will spice up your items whether you make pet treats or candles. Our Cello wrap will make your items look store bought and very eye appealing, guaranteed!

Are you in direct sales? Work from your home selling a product that you craft or create? Our representative program gives you a network of people to bounce ideas off of, a Friday newsletter with wrap ideas, discounts and let's not forget the fun! Consider being a representative today to add that pizzazz to your items for pennies. Pennies that lead to sales!

Rep Kit #1 Sign up Special $3.99 (over 70% off!)
Sign up for one week until 24th
Details: Free shipping on rep kit parcel post. Shipping applies if other items are added to the order and then shipped Priority Mail. Everyone signing up must send in a rep agreement

Use it for personal things or as a business.
Please put Rep #1338 if you decide to join.


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