Jul 25, 2008

Patrick Swayze calls condition a 'miracle'

We all know the well known actor was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer back in March of this year. The report I read said the doctor's found it early and he should do well.

Well, on July 22, Just months after the actor was rumored to be dying from pancreatic cancer, the 55-year-old appeared tanned and healthy as he walked through a Los Angeles airport at the weekend.

The smiling star said: "I'm cooking. I'm a miracle dude. I don't know why."
he is reported to have told his fans "I'm doing really well. I feel really good. I've put on 20 pounds. I should be dead right now. Look at me - I'm a miracle."

From the article I read:
Experts claim that Patrick's dance background will be helping him fight the disease, which has just a five per cent survival rate.

Pancreatic cancer specialist Professor John Neoptolemos said: "Patrick has a background in dancing and so has been a very fit man for much of his life. This will have given him a strong position to start from to fight cancer."

Patrick - who was diagnosed with the illness in January - has recently been told by doctors that he is well enough to begin filming new TV show 'The Beast'.

He is reportedly going to great lengths to ensure he stays healthy during filming, having employed a security team and requested all his food be specially delivered from an organic food store.


Photo is from 2007.

My Aunt was diagnosed with this same cancer in 2005 (April, 1) she passed away on May 6,2005. She only lived a month after being diagnosed. She showed NO signs! The only reason they ran the test on her was because she went to the dr. to find out why she was YELLOW! She felt naucious a lot, but had NO pain.

I miss my Aunt every single day! We weren't close when I was a child, we were just starting to get closer when all this happened. I feel cheated out of a wonderful relationship we started to have.

I am happy Patrick is doing well and is able to spend more time with his family.


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