Jun 21, 2011

Seattle's Best Iced Mocha Latte Review

This morning I opened a Seattle's Best Iced Mocha Latte (they come in Vanilla, Mocha & Latte) and it was scrumptiously delicious! Just the right amount of mocha flavor and not too sweet! An uncommonly smooth blend of coffee and milk flavored with chocolate. Retail price is $1.49 for a single can and $4.98 for a four-pack. Single cans can be found at KMart at this time, I'm sure Walmart will catch on and get them in soon. The 4 pack can be found at both KMart and Walmart.

I am certainly going to buy more of these! Sometimes I don't feel like drinking coffee in the morning (especially in 90 degree heat), but I feel like I want some in the afternoon or evening, so now I have something I am comfortable with drinking in hot weather and I don't have to clean the coffee maker! lol

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